"All you hatin' is fuel to my fire...It's motivation." -T.I.
No longer available via the internet, Real Simple's "The Seven Habits of Highly Motivated People" gives great advice on how to get and stay motivated. Here is a summary of the article:
1. Decide on the size - sometimes our goals can be simplified and reduced. Activities during a vacation seeming to wear you down? Decide to sit and relax instead.
2. Multitask - Listen to a language instructional tape in the car, dance while cleaning or organize your closet a bit each morning before getting dressed.
3. Keep a record - Each and every day write down your goals; there are only so many times you can write "I want to make a demo tape" before you book the studio and do it.
4. Fix it so you have to do it - Sign up for that cooking class and treat it like school or work, if you don't attend you flunk or get fired. Sign up with a friend for extra incentive.
5. Get the right supplies and put them in plain sight - Even if you just dabble in your goals a bit each day, you will feel accomplishment and be encouraged to continue. If you are interested in some kind of art, get the supplies and put them on the coffee table so that you can draw a bit each night. Even if you can't one night, the sight of the items will keep the learner in you in the forefront.
6. Recruit your family or friends - This can add enthusiasm to your project, or, with kids, it can add the energy you feel you might not have. Plus, additional time with those you love is never wrong.
7. Seek inspiration - from a book, a movie, a speaker or a influential person.
And remember, there is no dream too silly, there is always time if you make the time and starting small usually leads to something big.
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