Monday, October 6

Slash You Monthly Bills

"Can you pay my bills? Can you pay my telephone bills?" -Destiny's Child

This economy is not friendly. I think we could all use some advice on how to save some bucks.

Sites that can save you money: Stop clicking all over the Web! These 7 online shopping spots will help you find the real deals fast.

Save on prescription drugs: Ask your doctor about switching to generics, or ask about cheaper name-brand alternatives. For free information on generics and name-brand drugs to to the Consumer Reports Health site and click on "best buy drugs." Also, check prices at retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target and Costco. One website that might save you money is

Insurance: If you're renewing a life, home or auto insurance policy or buying a new one, comparison shop at sites like and Also go to to find a link to your state's insurance department for price-comparisons.

Cell phones: Go to sites such as to find the best priced plans for your calling patterns.

Cooking: This one's easy...use your microwave more. It uses about 20% of the energy a full-size oven does.

Laundry: Cut the cost of washing not-too-grimy loads in cold water with a detergent made for the job. And hand dry as much of your laundry as possible. When you do use the dryer, use it consecutively with loads so that it stays warm.

And most importantly, live within your means!

Opinion Based

I am not paid for the magazines I feature, products I mention nor the websites I display. I really read the magazines and pick out the best stuff I find. Savorites (saved+favories) are items that I actually use or sites I actually visit.