"Brand new mansion, let you decorate the rooms.
" -LL Cool J
Paint a stair runner. If I had stairs, I would so do this. I have saved this picture for years. I love this idea (as seen in Domino).

Home decorating from Real Simple. Some good suggestions for making art at home with everyday objects. Learn how best to display photos, using still life and grouping your collections.
And, from the same issue, easy and unexpected side tables. I love the idea of the books - I just need a more accommodating home for that.
Also in Domino, their Fabric Palette features give cool suggestions - and you can trust 'em because they are done by designers. Fool proof design.
Found this in the back pages of People, Wall Words looks like a cool idea. Do not know what I would want to say, but when I do, I'll do one of these.