Friday, August 1

Girlie Things You Should Never Apologize For

"A girly female feminine dame." -South Pacific

  • Divulging everything to your friends.
  • Toting a stash of survival gear in your purse - The kind that would make MacGyver jealous (think aspirin, a nail file, hair pins, a sewing kit, Band-Aids, extra undies, salad dressing).
  • Giving yourself the royal treatment - Getting manicures, massages and facials may seem self-indulgent, but a bit of me-me-me generates positive emotions that can boost the immune system, enhance your metabolism and soothe your mind.
  • Swiping one of his tee shirts.
  • Going in herds to the bathroom - Because you never know when you'll need backup, like toilet paper from another stall or a breath mint. Plus, hanging with your girls in the impossibly long line is way better than standing alone.
  • Spending eons in the bathroom - Your lengthy shower-and-primp routine is probably the only true me-time you have during the enjoy and relax.
    Secretly wondering what you'd like like with a boob job or butt lipo, even though you're not planning on going through with it.
    Window-shopping - Ogling pretty things without making a purchase is not's ingenious.
    Having an unexplainable bond with your phone. Scoping out other women - Biologically speaking, it's natural to check out the fairer sex.

Opinion Based

I am not paid for the magazines I feature, products I mention nor the websites I display. I really read the magazines and pick out the best stuff I find. Savorites (saved+favories) are items that I actually use or sites I actually visit.